Thursday, May 14, 2009

Easier Than It Sounds

[For principal words taken from yesterday's randoms, will apply a typical method of mine for
finding additional random words, (namely, contriving to place each of the given words
where they would occur in a different language dictionary's word flow, but, as i am much too
stupid to have learned another language, retaining their English spellings. Then, to get new random words, select, via the English meanings given, a 'next word' or 'near(ly) next word'...];

[Thus, using a Spanish/English dictionary this time, with two words from the Blogger question...]:

-team---(add possibilities) theatre; theatrical,... setting, putting on airs; piano key.

-meat---(add/replace with) mechanical, chauffeur.

[And using principal words from my answer to the Blogger question...]:

-nibble---(add/repl w) niche, hollow in a wall; nestful of eggs.

-themselves---yourself; aunt.

-nothing---news notice. ________ [ And so on, with some of the other words from yesterday.]:

-slowly---under the guise of.__ -boiling---cap.______ -frog---leaf, fern leaf, foliage.

-tickled---time, weather._______ -green---guild, society, brotherhood. chalk.

-horse---vegetables. __ -glass (eyes)---globe.__ -carriage---rail, rut.__ -occupants---ocean.

[Looks like enough starting fodder to me. You can either contrive to write a regular, commonly
styled piece, (however long or short is also up to you); or, if you're a malcontent like me, who is
bored by the prospect of writing all that trite & ordinary ' in between stuff ', take the unfortu-
nately less-travelled road and blow your own mind a bit with some oddball series strings that
seem to have no (obvious, yet) rhyme or 'reason', let alone a conclusion.

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